Sunday, 21 February 2016

Technical File - Creating Scars using Gelatin Moulds

Products Used:
  • Gelatine Mould
  • Prosaide
  • Pro-clean
  • Baby Powder
  • Supracolor
  • Foundation

  • Create a piece using Gelatin and pre-made scar mould.
  • Once cooled and dry, cut edges, making sure none of them are straight.
  • Apply Prosaide adhesive to area of application, allowing the adhesive to start to turn clear.
  • Press the piece on to the skin firmly, particularly on the edges.
  • Blend out the edges using Witch Hazel and a cotton bud, pushing across instead of along the edges.
  • Remove any glue around edges using prosaide.
  • Powder down the piece using baby powder to get rid of the sticking consistency.
  • Apply foundation over the area to match the skin tone around it.
  • Add red Supracolor that is well blended to give a fleshy and new appearance to the scar.

Health and Safety:
  • Remove the piece using the correct remover - Pro-clean.
  • Decant any product that is used to ensure cleanliness and avoid cross-contamination.

Overall, I am fairly happy with the outcome. I mostly struggled with the colouring of the piece to make it look realistic and wasn't really sure how to approach it. In hindsight, I probably should have done the red on the risen areas, instead of around them which would have looked more realistic. I also struggled with blending out the edges and probably didn't as much time on this as needed.

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